Wednesday, February 6, 2008

AT SEA, 2/5/08

We have about 4 sea days before we reach Auckland. Today the ocean is a little rough and the pool is spilling onto the deck. The capatain just announced that there is a tropical cyclone on our route and we had to change course to the NW. The winds have become very strong and the sea is building. The motion is not terrible, but he expects it to last for at least 24 more hours. It is now 11:45 AM and they just placed a net over the pool and emptied the water. We were heading straight towards the cyclone. It hit American Samoa, Nuie Island and New Zealand where it did a lot of damage. We are seeing the effects with more than 50 knot winds and very high seas. The boat is pitching quite a bit but not causing any significant problems. The ocean is really upside down, but am not sick...yet. Took Bonine and am feeling OK. Lots of passengers ill.

I will have an update on Pitcairn shortly...much more to the story that we didn't know about until we left.

1 comment:

joy said...

now i have 2 worry abt cyclones - i can imagine how u r feeling. sick? EVERYTHING sounds so wonderful and beautiful 2 the eye. te trip only seems 2 get better and better allthe time. take care.