Monday, February 18, 2008

AT SEA, Tuesday, February19th

We have now gone from the Coral Sea and are close to the Solomon Islands and are in the Solomon Sea. This area saw a tremendous amount of action during WWII. We are very close to Bougainville and Guadalcanal. We met a fellow on the ship that fought on Guadalcanal. Our next stopis Rabaul, New Guinea, then on to Chuuk and Guam. Still exercising daily and my legs are getting stronger, however my brain is getting smaller and my stomach getting larger.


Kathy Sivia said...

Everything about your trip sounds so wonderful. I feel like I'm getting a geography lesson. Glad to hear you are having fun meeting up with new and old friends. Gail, that's kind of wild that you saw an old high school friend on the trip. I'm glad her husband, the pilot, and Gary got along too.

Just want you to know that this is the year Chicago has received records amount of snow and it is freezing cold. Today it is only 2degrees out. But, your boat is toasty warm in the heated building.

PS. Skipper Bud's had a fire in one of their buildings. Right now they are saying $12 million in damages but, I think it's much higher.

Take Care

Eileen K Ryan Wilson said...

Gail, I have never seen you look anything but fabulous! Today, Feb 20th, it is 4 degrees outside..Norton just loves the cold & snow..I almost feel as though I am able to "see" places I have never been..
Thank you so much for keeping us landlubbers up to date