Sunday, February 24, 2008

GUAM, Monday, February 25th

We are now in Guam, back in the U.S.A.. It is somewhat disappointing as far as tropical islands go. It's very commercial with every fashion designer having stores here. Quite a contrast from Rabaul or Truk. Their are many parks here and all named after the soldiers of WWII. The beaches are lovely and the water very warm. Fortunately, the island never tipped over when everyone got off the ship as one Congressman said may happen.  I don't think he's in Congress any longer!

We ran into the captain in town and had lunch together. He has invited us on the bridge to see the ship leave port. That should be very exciting. We will be sailing to Iwo Jima at 5:00 this evening and arrive there the day after tomorrow then on to Japan.

They are having a ship building competition and the 6 of us have built a catamaran out of pop cans covered with shrink wrap and made a tin foil sail. Gary's dying to put a motor on it and at one point we mounted a hand fan to power it, but later found out it's not allowed. The judging is tomorrow and we're testing it in the pool tonight at midnight. Even if we don't win, it was a lot of fun...we laughed like heck. The captain is one of the judges and, coming from Chicago, we of course tried to pay him off.  Unfortunately, he wouldn't go for it. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Eileen K Ryan Wilson said...

A motor?? Perhaps Gary is coming over to our side!! Sounds like a great time..thanks for the update