Sunday, April 6, 2008

SAFAGA, EGYPT, Thursday, April 3

Safaga is the gateway to Luxor, Karnak & the Valley of the Kings, the location of some of the most spectacular temples & tombs of Egypt, possibly the entire world. This our first stop in Egypt.

Gary & I went with another couple that had reserved a dive boat a few weeks ago. We were picked up at the ship & taken to their dive center. We needed wet suits as the water was pretty cool. Unfortunately, they didn't have a suit for Gary, so we all snorkeled. The coral & fish in the Red Sea are spectacular. We swam around 5 pillars of coral that start at around 30 feet & go all the way up to the surface. They are huge round columns that are teaming with life. We made 2 dives on the boat & were gone from 8 in the morning until 5 in the evening. The company was very professional and the boat very clean. They served a wonderful lunch that we didn't eat given Gary's history in Egypt. We brought peanut butter/jelly sandwiches from the ship, and, of course, lots of chocolate. We were so tired when we got back that we just ate in the buffet & went to bed.

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